Apple is expected to launch the new iPhone 8 on March 5, 2017. The iPhone 8 will arrive with iOS v10 out of the box and will receive anupdate to the next version to be launched. This device will be a single SIM device, the SIM size fitting the device is nano SIM. iPhone 8 will support all the networks including 4G (Indian bands), 3G and 2G. iPhones have been using fingerprint security since the launch of iPhone 6. In the new iPhone 8, the company has ensured that unlocking becomes faster and accurate. iPhone 8 will be the first device to support quick charging feature.
Design and Display
The build material of front and back on iPhone 8 is made from metal. This device will be waterproof. It will sport a 5-inch huge retina display with full HD screen resolution i.e. 1080 x 1920 pixels. Pixel density on the screen of this device is 441 ppi which mean display colors are amazingly bright and accurate. It will be an OLED type display with capacitive touch feature and multi-touch support up to 10 points.
Performance and Storage
Apple’s iPhone 8 will perform on A11 chipset which is Apple proprietary. It is a quad-core processor which is clocked at 2.5GHz. A11 chipset has a64-bit architecture which ensures faster data manipulation and efficient performance as compared to other Android-based smartphones. This device will be backed by 4GB RAMfor faster multi-tasking and smooth performance. iPhone always arrives in memory variants namely 32GB, 64GB and 128GB hence one can choose the device based on his/her requirements. Some unofficial sources mention that the new iPhone will have onboard storage of 32GB and will external SD card up to 128GB. Well, the latter is not yet confirmed.
iPhone 8 has in total three cameras two on the rear side and one on the front side. The dual camera on rear side was introduced with Apple’s iPhone 7. The rear camera is 12MP+12MP with a telescopic lens. The rear camera is enabled with back-illuminated (BIS) sensor. With BIS sensor, the images captured are captured with effects just like on a DSLR camera. Aperture on the rear camera is 1.8F,and also there is optical image stabilization provided for therear camera. There is an OLED flash which is adjusted next to dual lens rear camera which ensures brighter snaps capture during thelow-light mode. Images captured by therear camera have resolution 4608 x 2592 pixels. Manual mode is not provided to the user, but one can adjust exposure compensation and ISO control by going to the settings option. There are three modes in which images can be captured namely, continuous shooting mode, high dynamic range (HDR) mode and burst mode. Burst mode captures images at the rate of 10 frames per second to ensure the best shot being captured by the user.
There are several features of thecamera which include atouch to focus, auto focus, face detection, digital zoom, optical zoom and simultaneous image and video recording. Videos can be recorded in 4K resolution at30fps, full HD resolution at120fps and HD resolution at240fps. The front camera is 7-megapixelautofocus and is enabled with face detection. The aperture on front camera is 2.2F,and it is also provided with front flash.
The device is powered by 2350mAh battery. It is a Li-ion battery which can be charged wirelessly and cannot be replaced by theuser. The device supports quick charge with the help of which user can charge his/her device up to a whole day’s battery life in just a few minutes.
Network and Connectivity
This is a single SIM device. The device has a nano SIM slot which supports GSM-type SIM cards. iPhone 8 supports all the networks including 4G LTE (Indian bands), 3G and 2G. It will support Voice over LTE type of communication which ensures better voice clarity. The device also supports wi-fi with standards 802.11, a/b/g/n/n clocked at 5GHz. The device will also have a portable hotspot feature for users who want to share data from their own device. Bluetooth v4.2 is provided to transfer data with other iPhones at faster rates. Navigation can be done using inbuilt GPS feature. Near Field Communication (NFC) feature is being introduced with the launch of iPhone 8. The device can be charged using a USB class C-port and the same can be usedtotransfer data with laptops and desktops.
The fingerprint sensor is on the front side of the device. Other sensors provided on this device are light, proximity, accelerometer, barometer, compass and gyroscope.
Apple iPhone 8 price in India is not yet confirmed by the manufacturers. With the current decision of the company regarding manufacturing iPhones in India, it is expected that the prices will be lowered considerably.